Fashion Constellations exhibition on display in the Constance Howard Gallery

The exhibition “Fashion Constellations: blueprints towards expanding fashion practice” is currently open in the Constance Howard Gallery at Goldsmiths; visitors can drop by Monday to Friday between 11 am- 5 pm.

The items on display document the teaching process on the Fashions & Embodiment Studio of the MA in Design: Expanded Practice (and the MA in Fashion before it).

Programme co-lead Ruby Hoette and lecturer Katherine May asked MA students to bring in old denim garments and ‘upick’ them, then sew them together into a quilt, exchanging stories and ideas as they go. The outcome is always different and unpredictable, while the process of this relaxed activity functions as a bonding and engagement opportunity as well as a conversation and questioning of fashion ethics.

In the exhibition, you’ll be able to see the resulting denim quilts made by successive cohorts of students, as well as other artifacts, images and texts.